You are currently viewing all posts under the category thinking thursday.

Thinking Thursday : Your brain has ruts. Make them ruts you like.

MIND If male scientists (or presidential candidates) were written about like female scientists. Ain’t that the truth. Welcome to the neuroscience of happiness: “…in the last 20 years, the scientific understanding of the brain has literally doubled. And that has given us much more clarity about the linkages between the mind …

thinking thursday : force your brain to continually restructure, rewire and build new connections

What I am thinking about and finding on the web this week. MIND Having suffered a severe concussion in November, with MRIs, CAT scans, and more tests revealing things about my brain I never knew (and some of which were alarming), you might find more information here in the coming …

Thinking Thursday: ideas that will make you reconsider and rethink

Every Thursday, some links you might want to explore, things that have caught my attention, questions we might need to be asking ourselves. MIND This was totally me when I was a baby, and it is totally me now, too, when a good book comes to an end. Neuroscience finds rituals …

thinking thursday: ideas that make you want more

The serendipity of ideas is one of the things that makes libraries – and the internet – great. Come, bump up against some ideas I’ve been finding this week.

thinking thursday

mind Oh, Harper Lee. You deserve better than this at the end of your life. How mindfulness changes your life. body Just flip it over. Need to create Infographics? Here you go. I bet this would ship well if you made me one. My favorite make-one-day-and-eat-the-next dish. Because, marinating. And …

thinking thursday

mind “Because as soon as we liberated ourselves from a concept of what our son’s education should look like, we were able to observe how he learned best. And what we saw was that the moment we stopped compelling Fin to sit and draw or paint or write was the …

thinking thursday

mind What “Nightly News” and “The Daily Show” should do next. Hint: it involves women: “There are so many reasons why the next host of ‘The Daily Show’ and ‘Nightly News’ should be a woman. But needing any reason at all is part of the problem. We never seem to …

thinking thursday.

MIND It’s time for all the year-end round-up lists. Here’s one to ponder: The 5 most underrated books of 2013. I can point to a handful of thinkers and writers who have shaped my intellectual landscape: Authors William Gaddis, Richard Powers, Virginia Woolf, and Audre Lorde are among them. So are strategists …

thinking thursday.

MIND I like this list of books on conscious parenting. Something has to be done about America’s mentally ill. Our mental health system is broken. So broken: “The only time mental illness dominates the national conversation is when something goes tragically wrong. But the dialogue doesn’t last. It gets buried …

thinking thursday.

MIND Having spent a good part of my career working in nonprofits and associations, this made me laugh. That kind of recognition laugh, you know? This is an important film about autism, playing for free on PBS until August 28th. I hope you can take time to watch it before …