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thinking thursday

Seven questions, every Thursday. If you were chili, what chili would you be? I would definitely be this one. Thanks to my friend Jeff for sending me this essay. What is a life of restless isolation like? Need a new, big, sobering, necessary book to read? Want to meet a new, …

thinking thursday.

Are any of us really surprised by Facebook’s open secret? Could you make this for me, please? And this? What are you moving toward and away from? Here’s another look at it. Are your father’s arms a boat? What is Autism? What can woke America and great America learn from each …

thinking thursday

Things I have found on the interweb machine that you might find interesting, along with seven questions they prompted: How can we be better allies to transgender people? What does depression feel like? What is the difference between alone and lonely? What is it like to work in the sky? …

thinking thursday

Every Thursday, 7 questions to think about: If we all contain multitudes, what is our responsibility to other humans? What are the intersections between social justice and spirituality? What exactly is critical race theory? What are twenty ways to organize your life now? Why don’t we have more Improvised Empathetic Devices? …

thinking thursday : racism edition

  There is an epidemic in the U.S. It’s called racism. And it results in lower graduation rates, greater poverty, less access to medical care, greater mortality rates for diseases that are treatable, lower salaries, death, and much more. The killings of two black men this week – Alton Sterling …

thinking thursday : books, cardamom, anger, dying, presence, and Prince

MIND A story of Meryl Streep‘s strength. What does it mean when we say a book is brave? “I sometimes wonder if what we’re really trying to praise is not the subject matter or the politics or even the aesthetics of the book, but the author’s ability, or even just …

thinking thursday : some far-flung items to think about

MIND What is the neuroscience of happiness and how can you wire your brain for happiness? And what does depression look like? I am spending a lot of time with the concept of “shenpa” these days. Creating new habitual patterns. This is not unrelated to the neuroscience of happiness, above. BODY Wherein …

thinking thursday : debris from the web I have bumped into while floating

MIND How handwriting trains the brain. And, speaking of handwriting. Can it make you smarter? How did autistic people shape the modern world? If you need to learn about running your own business, here are some online courses for you. BODY Is your favorite chocolate on this list? Speaking of …

Thinking Thursday : Your Life is Tetris, not Chess

Things I have found in my wanderings around the web this week that I think you might want to read and think about–or do something about. MIND Your life is Tetris. Stop playing it like chess: “Chess also introduced the idea of the “other”. Black versus white. Our school versus theirs. …

Thinking Thursday : the reductive simplicity of other people’s problems

Some things I have found around the Web this week, and that I suggest you read. MIND The reductive seduction of other people’s problems is an important read. The opening example is an eye-opener, followed by this: If you’re young, privileged, and interested in creating a life of meaning, of course …